Evangelism: Theology & Practice

Evangelism is simultaneously the plan God has to bring His good news to the world and one of the more intimidating things in all of Christianity.  We get scared that we will mess it up and that we will be rejected, cutting off friends, family, and coworkers from our life.  There is hope for us, however, in God transforming our lives in such a way that we will not be ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Part of that is by keeping the love of Christ displayed for us on the cross and through the resurrection in our mind and heart; if we have been changed for eternity, we cannot keep quiet about that.  But we also need to be trained in the why’s and how’s of God’s command to share His good news. Evangelism: Theology and Practice, is a class that will help us understand what the gospel is, why we are to share it, and some practical how’s in sharing.  Using Will Metzger’s Tell the Truth,  we will dive into the questions, find meaningful, biblical answers, and then equip you to go.  Join us each Sunday and we ask the Lord to transform us into a people who want to give the gospel away.